Wednesday, November 30, 2005

And Finally......

From June 2004 - June 2005, I was studying for an M.Phil in The University of Birmingham, researching into the area of using hydrogen instead of fossil fuels to provide for humanity's energy needs. During that year, I became increasingly aware of the dire situation that the human race finds itself in. With global temperatures increasing significantly, and the frightening possibility of a 'point of no return', things aren't looking good. As a result of this revelation, I began reflecting on my own personal actions and contribution to the wider problem, hence the inclusion of 'Our World' in my spirituality plan. Since moving from Birmingham I've failed to continue many of the practices that I started. Only recently have I begun to revive things.

Our World
Only use a car when absolutely necessary
Use a renewable energy provider
Recycle as much waste as possible
Buy locally produced food where possible

Let me know what you think, what you do, and what you would like to do (I'm expecting big things from the Scrivners).


Tim Lovell said...

Sorry for the frivolous and shallow comment, but I really like the pics at the top of the post. Just went to the site- very amusing. That is all.

Relating to the post, what is more important- how food is produced, or where it was produced. I'd have thought the former.

However apparently, if you give your kid locally produced honey, it will stop them from having hay fever. How good is that!

Again, sorry for the shallowness of that comment.

Jon said...

The pics are pretty good. I was trying to come up with some amusing way of insulting Ben Brown with them, but I haven't quite put my finger on a good solution yet.

I think both are important as each other. Buy British food where possible (saves loads on carbon dioxide emissions), and buy from producers that treat the environment with care. Both have significant impact on the world.

jodes da princess said...

cant really add to that, but if you go to the river cottage website(on the channel 4 webpage) there is a thing where you can find out how close you are to having a sustainable life, then it gives you pointers on how to make your life even more green and beautiful.

there is stuff there like 'kill and eat your own food' which may not be applicable to those who live inner city. not sure London zoo would appreciate that.

also Jon m, can you email us your new address

Tim Lovell said...

Rocking stuff Scrippies (a very special mixture of Scrivener and hippy). When do you plan to have the house done by? And where would you plan on living?

It all good stuff, things to definately think about when I buy my next house.

Jon said...

Thanks for that Scrivners, very helpful. How realistic in terms of price is it to build or buy a house made of sustainable stuff?

Anonymous said...

scriv and scriv, do you know anything about getting solar put onto existing domestic properties? it's something i've been toying with for some time. seems like a good idea... but pricey, but there have to be grants... could do my own internet homework, but maybe you already know things?

wind turbines sound superb. hell yes. i didn't know you could just get them although that makes loads of sense. hmmm... i wonder if they could refuse you planning permission for them - would they be possible/ any good in a mid-town terrace?! would be amazing!! i'd love one almost just for the sake of it. i wonder if my neighbours would go mental... or get ones to match...

i'm going to look into the savaplug. never heard of that before.

living the green dream sounds superb - think your house will be great when you get there! thank goodness ben's all talk eh otherwise you could have ended up with some seriously dodgy workmanship...

jodes da princess said...

think the phyo's will only join if trev can have a playboy mansion (minus the bunnies obviously) and enough porsches (not sure thats how you spell it) to use up all of our carbon quotas.

the project is set to be completed in 2013, apart from timmys house which should join us some time in 2050...